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Beauty Salon Toraya

Beauty Salon Toraya


Iwase-gun, Kagamiishi-machi, Fujinuma 323

Beauty Salon Toraya
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This suburban beauty salon with the largest staff is able to handle a wide range of customers from infants to octogenarians.
We don't send adverts and such at all, and we try to pass on savings from advertising expenses to our customers.
We have no website or other things but if we find the time we will try to develop a home page.
We want all customers to be satisfied・ .
For parties or weddings, etc., why don't you trust our skill first, to make you fashionable?

Reservation only. "Bi-Bi" is on the second floor, and advanced booking "Toraya II" is near the railroad crossing.

This main shop and subsidiaries together honor the beauty treatment loyalty card.

The store details

Name Beauty Salon Toraya
Address Iwase-gun, Kagamiishi-machi, Fujinuma 323
Hours 8:00 to 17:00
Regular holiday Every Monday, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, and 1/1 to 1/3
TEL 0248-62-2005
Fax 0248-62-4769
Email ohta02231224@docomo.ne.jp
Parking 12 spaces
Access 2-minute drive or an 8-minute walk from JR Kagamiishi Station


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